Last day in Vienna

Goedemorgen Zonnestraaltjes,

This morning started with breakfast and packing our last belongs from our rooms and pack them into our bags. We dropped our bags in the bus and travelled to the Technischer Museum Vienna. Here technology from many different disciplines was on case, with many interactive exhibitions and interesting stories. Here, we visited a high voltage show where technology from late nineteenth and early twentieth century was shown. This included a lighting presentation where an old tesla coil was presented in an interactive presentation. This almost shocked some of our participants. Afterwards, there was more time to visit the museum, which included a nice audio and transportation department which took us back to the future and gave insight in how the technology around us was designed and created.

In the afternoon, we had time to visit the Powerplant Vienna Freudenau. This is a large dam that contributes for a great deal to Austria’s power needs. Here a very enthusiastic tour guide took us through the building and told us about its history and the significance of hydroelectric power throughout the history of Austria. This includes much of the politics of that time and technical limits that existed in the past.

As this is being written, we are on our way to Graz from Vienna, where we will arrive late in the evening. Fortunately, the spirits are still with some members enjoying a local speciality, Sturm, which can only be drank during this time of the year.
